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Whether it is laying hens or broilers, their habits vary from year to year in the process ofchicken cages for saleand breeding equipment. Therefore, in the process of feeding, farmers are required to take different changes in the flocks in each season. The corresponding measures are carried out, and then the farmers are introduced to the characteristics of the four seasons of the habits of the laying hens.

First, changes in eating habits
 In the summer season, when the temperature rises, the demand for energy in the laying hen will decrease, so the feed intake will also decrease. As the feed intake of laying hens decreases, the protein and calcium content will also decrease accordingly, which will lead to a decrease in egg production. Therefore, in summer season, farmers should adjust the diet appropriately and in summer. At the time of the day, measures are taken to lower the temperature of the house. In winter, the weather is cold, and the laying hens need to consume more nutrients to keep out the cold, so increase their feed intake. In addition to increasing the feed intake of the hens, it is necessary to appropriately raise the temperature in thechicken battery cages, convert the diet into a winter ration, and provide more energy to the hens to withstand the low temperatures.



Second, drinking habits change

In the whole season, the seasons in which the drinking water changes are more prominent in the summer season, the temperature in the summer season is higher, and the drinking water in the chickens will also increase. In the lukewarm season, the drinking water of the laying hens is feed. 2 times the weight; in the summer season, the amount of water is 4-5 times the weight of the feed.

Third, change the habit habits

During the moulting of the flock, the farmers should pay attention to the rationality of the illumination time. Under natural light conditions, the adult chickens will undergo natural moulting in the autumn, which usually takes about 3-4 months.

The above is the characteristics of the habits of the laying hens told by the chicken cage manufacturers throughout the year. It is hoped that today’s narrative will enable the farmers to have a more comprehensive understanding of the habits of the laying hens, so that they can proceed smoothly in the later stage. Breeding laying hens.