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From the growth performance of chickens, the environment in which chickens grow includes natural factors and social factors. These two factors affect the growth performance of chicken growth, development and reproduction to some extent. The environment inside the house is an important factor in the induction of chicken disease. So what kind of chicken house environment is good for chicken growth? The following is a detailed introduction to the chicken environment.

First, cool down, set up a sunshade net on the sunny side of the chicken house, avoid direct sunlight, plant trees and plants around the chicken house to reduce the heat of reflection. Open the wet curtain cooling system, and the poor condition of the house should be sprayed with cool water to cool down if necessary.

Second, strengthen ventilation, reduce the temperature of the house by ventilation and take away the excess water in the house, but also pay attention to the humidity of the house, reduce the dust in the house, and better purify the air in the house.

Third, reduce the stocking density, which is conducive to the heat dissipation of the chicken body.

Fourth, timely defecation, chicken manure is easy to ferment to generate heat, and emit harmful gases, clean the house every morning and evening, keep clean.

The environment about raising chickens is introduced here. The internal environment of the house is directly related to the hardware of the house. The insulation, ventilation, lighting and equipment of the house are the guarantee for the health of the chicken inpoultry equipment for sale.