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Many farmers like to control water for two to three hours before taking medicine or drinking vaccine. In fact, this is a very wrong behavior. Here are some reasons why water cannot be controlled.

Water is the source of life, especially for chickens inchicken battery cages. After all, it is necessary for breeders to feed chickens, otherwise there would be no other way to drink water. If the water control lasts for two to three hours, the stress on the chicken is relatively large, and the controlled chicken can tolerate it, but the water control is intolerable for the chicken. Chickens must drink water while eating the feed to help them swallow the feed. Moreover, most of the heat of chickens is dissipated by drinking water in rows. Therefore, if water control is given to chickens in summer, it is very fatal and it is easy to cause heatstroke.



Drugs or vaccines taken after water control will cause the chickens in thepoultry farming equipmentto rob water now. This kind of situation will cause the stronger the chicken, the more it will drink, and the smaller the chicken, the less it will drink, because it cannot compete. This resulted in medication, weak chickens didn’t get enough medicine and didn’t cure the disease, and strong chickens were poisoned because they drank too much. The vaccine will also be the same, because drinking water will be uneven, resulting in uneven antibody levels in chickens.

There are other ways to raise chickens without controlling water. You can divide the vaccine into two or three parts. Each time you add less water, let the chicken drink it and add another part, so the vaccine will be drunk for four to six hours. Chickens can neither rob water nor drink it evenly. It is easy for chickens to drink too much water and cause water poisoning. Moreover, stress is easy to cause other chicken diseases. Moreover, if chickens do not drink water, they basically do not eat food. Therefore, when raising chickens for medication or drinking vaccines, chicken friends should not control water.