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The treatment of dystocia is mainly through surgical assisted delivery. The specific method is: wash the right index finger and disinfect with alcohol cotton ball, apply Vaseline, vegetable oil or paraffin oil, carefully extend the index finger into the hen cloaca to the fallopian tube, and then insert a Small plastic tube, inject a little paraffin oil or vegetable oil around the egg, use the food to point the egg outside, and gently squeeze the chicken belly with your left hand to help the egg discharge ofbattery cages for sale.
If the egg is too large in yourchicken farm equipment, it is difficult to discharge. First, put the egg straight, so that one end of the egg faces outward, fix it at the mouth, use a sharp instrument to break the eggshell, let the egg white and egg yolk drain, and then carefully clip the eggshell. Fragments, gently rinse the birth canal with warm saline or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution to prevent inflammation of the chicken fallopian tubes.