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Automated breeding equipmentrealizes automatic feeding. The whole system adopts automatic feeding device, and the average time for management personnel to enter the site does not exceed 1 hour per day. When using farming equipment, poultry are usually raised, so choosing them is also very important.


  1. First of all, when we select breeding poultry, we usually need to go through three selections, one selection is usually carried out in about 40 days, so the selection criteria at this time are healthy, lively, and well-developed. The second selection is performed at 17-19 weeks of age. After the breeding roosters are closed in the cage, choose a rooster with good characteristics, strong physique, and strong legs, and massage the back and tail. After three selections, it was confirmed that it was 22 weeks old.



  2. In addition, pay attention to the breeding and management of roosters, and do not ignore the management of breeding equipment because the roosters can’t lay eggs. When the baby rooster needs to cut the crown in time after the cock comes out of the shell, the newborn baby chicken must use special curved surgical scissors, which must be close to the scalp of the rooster and chick before cutting the crown. Because after cutting the cockscomb, the cockscomb will not affect the cock’s sight, it is more conducive for the cocks to eat and drink, and it can also prevent the cockscomb from being damaged by the cage and causing infection. When re-cutting the roosters, do they need to be reared in a laying cage alone to avoid two roosters pecking at the crown and meat.

   The above introduction is about the selection andbreeding of chickens when using breeding equipment. Generally speaking, roosters and hens are different in breeding. Although the feed used by the two may be the same, the vitamin dosage of the males needs to be added appropriately.