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Whether the laying hens can get good benefits, in addition to the daily feeding, the key point is the daily management of the farmers. Whether it is the management of the house or the management of the flock, it is very important. Improper management will affect the healthy growth and production of the flock, which will naturally affect the efficiency of the farmers. Therefore, thelayer cage manufacturershave summarized the common management defects in the daily handling of the farmers, and expect the farmers to pay more attention.

1. The gap when selecting chicken cage equipment: The chicken cage raising method is the breeding method selected by most farmers. Chicken cages are mechanical equipment, and the price is relatively high. Therefore, some farmers are buying the cheapest chicken cages when they are selected, regardless of the quality of thechicken battery cagesand the reasonable structure, so that they can reduce some of the cost. However, poorly constructed chicken cages do not help the growth of the flock, but will hurt the flock. Moreover, the age of the chicken cage with unreliable quality will not be long, and the cultivation cost will be added invisibly.

2. Ignore immunization or improper immunization: Preventing diseases is a condition to ensure the efficiency of farmers, and immunization is the focus of prevention of infectious diseases. Therefore, in the process of farming farmers, it is necessary to immunize the chickens in order to prevent serious loss of disease. However, some farmers do not have reasonable anti-epidemic procedures when they are immunized, and they do not consider the level of antibody in the body. In the end, they have spent money and immunity has no good effect. It is advocated that farmers should formulate reasonable disease prevention procedures according to the condition of the flock and regional epidemics, and the dosage requirements should be determined according to the antibody level.

Modern poultry farm equipment for chickens can give your poultry farming industry a good feature.

3. In addition, there are some users who have been farming for many years. When the chickens are sick, the farmers think that they can diagnose the disease, only look at the appearance, do not seek experts to confirm the diagnosis, blindly use the drugs, which may make the chickens more severe and will not proceed. Blocking and healthy chickens in the chicken cage together, severely endanger the health of other chickens. Now the chicken disease is more complicated, so the farmers should block the chickens in time and then seek veterinarians for diagnosis and treatment.

4. Many farmers pay attention to the disinfection, so that harmful gases and bacteria in the chicken house can be arbitrarily propagated, which seriously endangers the health of the chickens. Farmers should regularly disinfect the chicken houses regularly, and always pay attention to sticking chickens. The house is clean and often ventilated.

5. It is very important to insist on reasonable temperature and humidity in the chicken house. Generally, farmers will ignore the conditioning between temperature and humidity and ventilation. They advocate ventilation at high temperatures and ventilation when the humidity is high. When the change is large, let the temperature be twice higher. Left and right, the right amount is about half an hour or so, so cycle.

The above are some gaps and misunderstandings when farmers use chicken in egg cages, and they are expected to attract attention from farmers. Pay more attention to the usual management, farmers can have time to learn the scientific and reasonable management skills of cage farming, so that their chickens can grow healthier and the farmers themselves get better benefits.