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1. Density: Pingyang (including online cage raising), 10 chickens per square meter ofchicken battery cages, 270 to 280 cm2 for each chicken in cage.

2. Uniform feeding: regular inspection shows that some of the materials are accumulated in barrels, and some have no remaining materials, so the materials should be evenly distributed to avoid some chickens eat too much and some chickens do not feed enough, so that the chickens are well developed.

3. Ensure the uniformity of the flock: Always pay attention to picking smaller and weaker flocks separately and feeding more feed so that they can catch strong chickens.


4. Pay attention to ventilation and ventilation, change the padding frequently: pay attention to ventilation, promote the development of cardiopulmonary system, change the padding frequently, and ensure indoor cleaning. Water-soaked bedding supplies should be replaced immediately.

5. Disease prevention and control law: 40 to 60 days old to do a good job in the treatment of staphylococcal disease prevention, do a good job in the prevention and control of coccidiosis in the rainy season, the breeding of chickens should pay attention to timely drug prevention, medication can not be single, should always replace. There are many mosquitoes in summer, and chicken vaccinia should be prepared in advance. Strictly follow the immunization program and take the opportunity to immunize the chicken New City vaccine. The sanitation and epidemic prevention work of chicken cages is carried out frequently, and the disinfection agent is used to disinfect the chicken houses every week.

6. Prepare for the cage early 18-18 weeks to avoid delaying the cage and reduce the priming stress. And to be immune to the egg-break syndrome.